You know your subject sideways, but you’re “not a writer”?
Or you have more ideas than free time.
Perhaps you’re wise enough to want another set of eyes before you hit Send on a paper, post, or newsletter that will affect your credibility.
What Matters to You?
If you can check any of those boxes, we should talk. Sign up for a free, 30-minute consultation.
(No charge. I love talking with people who have something interesting to say.)
Let’s Make Things Happen
“I absolutely adore what you’ve done. You have tightened things up considerably, improved the language in several places, and clarified important points. . . and most amazing, without altering my message.”
With Marty’s help, we have raised the profile and professionalism of our work.
We produce industry analyses that include technical financial data and complex information from many subject matter experts, each with a distinct voice, focus, and writing style. Marty’s expertise blended those voices to maximize impact and audience understanding, while each author felt their ideas and contributions were well represented.
With her understanding of research methods and statistics and her amazing gift for wording the research in snappy, user friendly, engaging ways, she has enriched my book in ways that even the most experienced authors will value. As a psychology professor and author, I deeply appreciate Marty’s input as the developmental editor for my sixth book.
“Marty, working with you was a delight. I sent you my ideas and draft, and the next thing I knew we were getting compliments on the client newsletter.”